Printing brochures and baking cookies can only take you so far.
Selling season is on the fast approach for builders and buyers alike, and the secret to attracting consumers lies in a builder’s marketing strategy. To evoke that "home is where the heart is" feeling that buyers crave, builders need to implement innovative advertising approaches and effective tactics that turn prospective leads into successful sales.
So, what are the best techniques to spark consumer interest? Whether your company is looking to highlight the design aesthetics of a property or is grappling with the choice of the best platform to reach a target audience, the dozen stories below offer some tips and tricks to help you entice buyers and ultimately close the deal.
Old-School Graphics Resonate With Home Buyers
Marketing Strategies That Drive Demand
Don't Your Communities Deserve Good Photography?
Transform Your Website into a Selling Machine
What You're Looking for May Not be What You're Looking For
3 New-Tech Ways of Selling a Home
New Rules: Where Big Data and Big Residential Real Estate Deals Converge
Get Fluent in Affluence: A Better Read on Who's a High-End Customer