The annual BUILDER Brand Use Study gauges the attitudes of U.S. builders, developers, and contractors toward the products they recognize, use, and trust, as well as their overall willingness to try new products. More than 1,000 respondents from across the country have shared their brand use practices and perspectives with BUILDER, allowing us to shed light on the year’s leaders across 51 building product categories.

The survey found that product performance and desirable features are top priorities in product selection decisions, followed closely by warranty, availability, price, and ease of installation. Many brands have remained top choices over the years, and some are the brand of choice for over half of the survey’s respondents. But a majority of builders, developers, and contractors are willing to explore their product options, and the top three brands have shifted in many of this year’s categories.

The following table identifies the top brand in each of those 51 categories, from bathroom fixtures to windows, and everything in between. For additional information on this year's best brands, click through companies linked below to view their page in our Manufacturers Directory.

Product Category Brand Familiarity Use Brands Used Most Highest Rating
Bath Fixtures and AccessoriesDeltaKohlerMoenKohler
Bathroom Ventilation/FansBroanBroanBroanPanasonic Eco Solutions
Cabinets: Semi-Custom, Custom, and StockKraftMaidKraftMaidKraftMaidWood-Mode
Caulks/SealantsGorilla GlueGorilla GlueOSI SealantsGE Silicones, Sealants, Adhesives
Central VacuumsNuToneNuToneNuToneBeam Central Vacuum Systems by Electrolux
Ceramic TileDaltileDaltileDaltileDaltile
Closet/Organization SystemsCalifornia Closets/ClosetMaid/RubberMaidClosetMaidClosetMaidCalifornia Closets
Decking: Composite/PVCTrexTrexTrexAZEK Decks Decks
Decorative Mouldings/Trim/Columns: ExteriorHardieTrim (James Hardie)HardieTrim (James Hardie)HardieTrim (James Hardie)AZEK Decks Trimboards
Decorative Mouldings/Trim/Columns: InteriorFyponFyponFyponOrnamental Mouldings
Doors: GarageClopay/Overhead DoorClopayOverhead DoorOverhead Door
Doors: EntryJELD-WENTherma-TruTherma-TruTherma-Tru
Doors: Interior PassageMasoniteMasoniteMasoniteWood Harbor Doors
Electrical Systems/Load CentersGE AppliancesSquare D by Schneider ElectricSquare D by Schneider ElectricSquare D by Schneider Electric
Doors: Patio/Wide Window OpeningsAndersenAndersenAndersenPGT
Engineered I-JoistsTrus Joist (Weyerhaeuser)Boise CascadeTrus Joist (Weyerhaeuser)Boise Cascade
Exterior Wall SheathingZIP System Wall Sheathing (Huber Engineered Woods)ZIP System Wall Sheathing (Huber Engineered Woods)ZIP System Wall Sheathing (Huber Engineered Woods)ZIP System Wall Sheathing (Huber Engineered Woods)
FireplacesHeatilatorHeat & GloHeat & GloVermont Castings
Flooring: Laminate, Vinyl, WoodArmstrongArmstrongShawBruce/Shaw
Garage Door OpenersLiftMasterLiftMasterLiftMasterLiftMaster
HousewrapTyvek (Dupont)Tyvek (Dupont)Tyvek (Dupont)Tyvek (Dupont)
InsulationOwens CorningOwens CorningOwens CorningIcynene
Laundry AppliancesGE AppliancesGE AppliancesGE AppliancesBosch
Lighting Controls/SwitchesLevitonLevitonLevitonLutron
Manufactured StoneCoronado Stone/ Eldorado StoneEldorado StoneEldorado StoneEldorado Stone
Oriented Strand BoardGeorgia-PacificAdvantech (Huber Engineered Woods)/Georgia-PacificAdvantech (Huber Engineered Woods)Advantech (Huber Engineered Woods)
Kitchen AppliancesGEGEGEWolf Appliances
Roofing: Asphalt/Fiberglass ShinglesCertainTeedCertainTeedCertainTeedCertainTeed
Roofing: Clay/Concrete/Synthetic TilesCertainTeedCertainTeedCertainTeedLudowici
Roofing: MetalAmerican Building Components (ABC)American Building Components (ABC)American Building Components (ABC)Nuconsteel/Revere Cooper
Shower Doors/SurroundsKohlerKohlerKohler/American StandardKohler
Siding: Brick & Brick VeneerEldorado StoneBoralBoralBoral/Glen-Gery
Siding: EIFS/StuccoDryvitDryvitDryvitOmega Products
Siding: Engineered WoodLP SmartSideLP SmartSideLP SmartSideLP SmartSide
Siding: Fiber CementHardiePlank (James Hardie)HardiePlank (James Hardie)HardiePlank (James Hardie)HardiePlank (James Hardie)
Siding: VinylCertainTeedCertainTeedCertainTeedCaliber High Performance Insulated Siding (Georgia-Pacific Vinyl Siding and Accessories)
Surfacing: Laminate, Quartz, Solid SurfacesFormicaCambriaCambriaCambria
UnderlaymentDUROCK (USG)DUROCK (USG)DUROCK (USG)Schluter-Systems Inc (Canada)
Water HeatersA.O. Smith/RheemA.O. SmithA.O. SmithRinnai
Windows: FiberglassIntegrity From Marvin Windows and DoorsIntegrity From Marvin Windows and DoorsIntegrity From Marvin Windows and DoorsIntegrity From Marvin Windows and Doors
Windows: Wood & Clad-WoodAndersenAndersenAndersenMarvin Windows and Doors