Trex is the world’s #1 decking brand and the inventor of wood-alternative composite decking. From the beginning we’ve been committed to helping you create a low-maintenance, high-performance backyard retreat that can handle the outdoors without depleting them, and will do so for decades. Because your weekends should be spent relaxing on your deck, not repairing it.
Featured Products
Trex Offers Reimagined Enhance Composite Decking
New Enhance Basics and Naturals are designed for affordability, durability, and ease of care.
More from BUILDER
Trex Unveils New Trex Signature X-Series Railing
The decking manufacturer's new X-Series includes cable and glass railing options, with an innovative post anchoring the system.
2017 Product Guide: Decking and Outdoor Products
From decking to lights, the right products help builders meet buyer demand for backyards that facilitate relaxation.
Trex Uses Plastic Waste to Create Unique Campground Experience
Trex builds elevated platforms for REI's Signature Camp near Bryce Canyon National Park.