As social media continues to take on more importance for U.S. businesses, builders large and small are honing their strategies to market their homes and leverage connections with past and present customers. A review of accounts for the country’s largest builders shows that while all of them have a social media presence, some are true masters.
BUILDER collected data from the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts of the companies on the 2018 Builder 100 list. Numbers, including likes and follows, for each of the firms were compiled during a two-week period in late October.
The analysis showed a rise in the use of social media marketing among production builders. The top 25 builders with the most active Facebook pages this year had a total of 3.7 million likes, compared to 1.4 million likes in 2015, the last time BUILDER ranked firms by social media use.
In both 2015 and 2018, production builder Lennar took the top spots for Facebook and Twitter with almost 1.3 million Facebook likes and nearly 270,000 Twitter followers. For Instagram, David Weekley Homes rose to the top with 193,405 followers, with second place Taylor Morrison more than 100,000 follows behind.
This year’s version of the social media rankings included data from popular photo-sharing network Instagram, in addition to Facebook and Twitter. In BUILDER’s data collection, builders with more than one brand and consequent social pages were combined, although, for builders with both corporate and regional accounts, just the verified corporate page was considered.
Want to improve your social media game? Try these four simple hacks.