The world of digital marketing has changed dramatically over the last decade, thanks mainly due to the fast-paced online world that we’re now living in. Your average consumer is bombarded with marketing messages all day, every day, and that is one trend that shows absolutely no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

But for as much as things change, one simple fact remains as accurate in 2021 as it was in 2010 or even 2001: Content is still king.

Especially in a services-driven industry like construction, consumers are hungry for information. They’re doing an incredible amount of research before they decide on a builder to work with, and it’s still up to you to give it to them.

According to an Aberdeen Group study, implementing a content marketing strategy can increase conversions by up to 500%. A large part of this has to do with the fact that 96% of content marketers say their blog posts, white papers, and other compelling collateral not only helps them build credibility with their audiences but a significant amount of trust as well.

However, content marketing itself is in the process of evolution—especially given everything going on in the world right now. Therefore, if you genuinely want to take 2021 by storm, you need to both understand the trajectory of this evolution and do everything in your power to get to the “next big thing” before anyone else.

The Era of Content-Driven Personalization Is Upon Us

Content personalization is one thing you can add to your repertoire if you aren’t already using it. It is one of the best ways to get your audience members to pay attention to what you have to say. People don’t want to be strictly “sold to” any longer. They don’t have time for it. There’s a reason why 30% of all Internet users now use ad blockers as they go about their daily business.

But if you can make someone feel like you’re speaking directly to them, which is a significant benefit that personalization brings with it, suddenly they don’t feel like they are being sold. They feel like they’re having a conversation of which they’re excited to be a part. Now, in 2021, content-driven personalization is about to take this idea to the next level.

Content-driven personalization is all about your ability to incentivize people to return to your website. For instance, if someone visited your site and viewed pictures of your kitchen remodeling portfolio, you can offer them a free guide explaining how to select the best countertops for their needs.

If you do bathroom remodeling, you could offer a checklist of the things the client needs to consider to ensure the bathroom renovation project adds the most value to their home.

If nothing else, this is a great way to make sure that their experience doesn’t have to start all over again every time they engage with your website. Not only does this gracefully move them further along the buyer’s journey, but it also keeps them in position and moving in the right direction as well.

The Power of Multichannel Marketing

Speaking of the buyer’s journey, 2021 is definitely the year where you need to acknowledge that true multichannel marketing is more important than it has ever been—particularly in an area like construction.

Your customers are always adapting to new technology and are very eager to explore new channels. As a business, it is absolutely in your best interest to keep up.

But this goes beyond simply making sure that you’re creating content for your blog, for social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, for your email newsletter, and similar channels. Success here is all about using the data you’re collecting from all of these channels to your advantage.

The more channels you embrace, the more user data you have access to. This data allows you to better understand the more diverse buyer journeys that people are actually going on.

As you pull back this digital curtain and learn more about the way people make decisions, you’ll be able to prioritize those actions that make the biggest impact on your own long-term goals. Not only is this an organic, “non-salesy” way to expand your campaign’s reach, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to make a stronger impression with your audience members.

In all, you’re still creating high-value, relevant content that people want to engage with, but you’re delivering this to them on whatever channel they prefer. You’re catering your campaign based on their preferences rather than forcing them to adjust to the way they like to do things. And this is a great way to create a more compelling (not to mention more relevant) experience for all of your prospects.

The Future of Content Marketing Is Here. Embrace It.

Years ago, a sports reporter asked the great hockey player Wayne Gretzky how he could overpower nearly everyone else on the ice. For those unfamiliar with the sport, Gretzky wasn’t just good—he’s very likely to be the best player who ever lived. Gretzky thought for a moment and then replied with this simple-yet-brilliant answer:

“I don’t go where the puck is. I go where the puck is going to be.”

In essence, that is the same mentality you need to adopt with your content marketing efforts to take 2021 by storm. Yes, it’s important to understand the things that matter most to your audience right now. But at the same time, that “latest and greatest hot new trend” is always just over the horizon.

Those construction businesses that understand this and who leverage both the best practices today and the experimental trends of tomorrow will find a great deal of success in the long term. Those who think that this evolution has finally finished—that they’ve officially “done enough” to hone their skills and make a connection with their audience—will soon find themselves left behind by their savvier and more forward-thinking competitors.

It doesn’t get much more straightforward than that.