The Building Talent Foundation (BTF) and the U.S. Army Reserve Private Public Partnership Office (P3O) entered a strategic collaboration to provide Army Reserve soldiers and their family members access to BTF’s network of over 350 education and training partners, and more than 1,000 employers.
Soldiers will also receive personalized career coaching and job search support from both the BTF engagement managers and Army Reserve employment specialists to ensure a smooth transition from the military into civilian careers.
“P3O’s dedication to recognizing the value of U.S. Army Reserve members is truly commendable. Residential construction employers have consistently shown support for our veterans,” Branka Minic, CEO of BTF, says. “Building on this strong foundation of commitment, BTF is delighted to partner with P3O to help soldiers and their families overcome educational and employment challenges. This collaboration not only advances BTF’s mission but also fosters stronger community connections.”
P3O engages with businesses and academia to build a nationwide network of training and employment opportunities for soldiers and their families. The BTF is a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing the education, training, and career progression of youth and people from underrepresented groups in the residential construction industry.
“Army reservists bring an exceptional combination of leadership, adaptability, a strong work ethic, and a diverse skill set, all which hold immense value for the construction industry,” says Alecia Grady, P3O director. “This partnership establishes a distinct opportunity, enabling our soldiers to achieve professional fulfillment, serve their country, and provide support for their families. We are excited about the prospect of Army Reserve soldiers making immediate and meaningful contributions to both the national economy and the defense of the nation through this collaboration.
The BTF says the partnership will provide the construction industry with access “to thousands of motivated and well-trained job candidates.” For members of the U.S. Army Reserve, the partnership will provide “valuable training and employment opportunities that support their career interests and enhance financial stability.”