The differences between a green-beam laser light level and a standard red-beam level go a lot deeper than just a change in color. The color of the beam affects the tool's visibility, brightness, and price so builders should take a close look at their specs before selecting one for a particular job.
As Bosch launches it first green laser light level, the GLL 100 G, BUILDER has asked Tony Kang, Bosch’s product manager of measuring tools, to shed some light on the features and differences between green and red lasers.
Tell us a bit about green beam lasers. How are they different?
Green beam lasers are up to four times brighter than red beams for the best visibility in bright ambient light conditions. Older green laser products used the laser color conversion technology, which generates a green laser beam from a red laser diode. However, now there are true green lasers.
How can a builder know whether a red or green beam is best for a certain job?
Working conditions and environment are the biggest factors in choosing between red or green laser products. In many cases, both the red and green beam lasers will do the job, but there are instances where the green beam offers advantages. That includes applications requiring greater distances and jobs where ambient light is a consideration. In these two instances in particular, the green beam is superior because it has higher visibility to the human eye.
What are some other laser-related advances coming out in the near future?
We are excited about our exclusive VisiMax technology that provides the brightest line for the conditions by constantly monitoring the laser's temperature to ensure diodes maintain their operational integrity and preserve the life of the tool. Excessive heat makes the diode more susceptible to the effects of ambient heat (direct sunlight).