Veteran Nick Morris, second from left, playing golf with HomeSphere staff and partners at the company’s annual Partner Summit. Morris is the recipient of a HFOT home; the golf tournament raised $2300 for the cause.
Courtesy HomeSphere Veteran Nick Morris, second from left, playing golf with HomeSphere staff and partners at the company’s annual Partner Summit. Morris is the recipient of a HFOT home; the golf tournament raised $2300 for the cause.

Construction industry network and rebate management platform HomeSphere has leveraged its base of home builders and building product manufacturers to raise funds and supply resources for Homes for Our Troops, a Colorado non-profit that builds and donates specially-adapted custom homes to severely injured veterans.

In August, the HomeSphere team and its customers raised $2,300 for the organization in its annual golf tournament. The platform’s staff then raised an additional $4,000 in September during a month-long internal campaign. HomeSphere staff members also participated in a Volunteer Day for the organization, working on the landscaping at a home for Army Specialist Steven Baskis, who was blinded in an explosion in Baghdad.

“For nearly 15 years, we have directed our team talent, company resources, and industry relationships to help at-risk Coloradoans have their own safe and livable home,” says HomeSphere CEO Glenn Renner. “Our partners and staff are rallying to do all we can to help our injured veterans achieve their dreams.”

HomeSphere also reaches out to its network members, which include builders and product manufacturers, to connect HFOT to partners that can donate building materials.