Adobe Stock/Elenathewise

A majority of American adults are eager to harness the sun's energy in their homes, according to a new survey conducted by CITE Research on behalf of full-service residential solar provider Vivint Solar. The survey found 70% of respondents would support a nationwide mandate requiring solar panels to be installed on all newly built homes.

The survey revealed that when people are deciding whether to install residential solar panels for the environment's benefit, significant others and environmental experts are the most influential. To date, California is the only state to mandate solar panels on new homes. The solar mandate goes into effect in 2020.

"We've seen that state [California] often lead the way in establishing environmental practices nationwide," said David Bywater, CEO of Vivint Solar. "We believe more states will make strides to adopt residential solar requirements, and it's great to see the vast majority of American adults support this, even at a nationwide mandate level."

The survey found support for the nationwide mandate for solar panels is highest among younger adults and decreases with age. The most supportive group is the cohort between the ages of 25 and 34, with 75% of respondents in this age bracket supporting the mandate. The cohort over the age of 65 was the least likely to support the solar mandate, with 61% of respondents in favor.

Regionally, respondents in the West were most likely to support a solar panel mandate, closely followed by respondents in the Northeast. In each region, more than two-thirds of respondents are in favor of a potential solar panel mandate.

The survey conducted by CITE Research polled a nationally representative group of 2,000 U.S. adults over the age of 25 via an online questionnaire. Vivint Solar has installed solar energy systems on more than 160,000 homes nationwide.