Sen. Ron Wyden U.S. Senate Photographic Studio

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) announced his Decent, Affordable, Safe Housing for All (DASH) Act l that calls for a “generational investment” in housing.

“Housing is a human right. Yet, millions of Americans pay more than half of their monthly take-home pay to keep a roof over their head. And more than half a million Americans don't have housing at all,” he said in a statement. “America is amidst a serious crisis of housing affordability, and it's a big challenge that demands big, bold solutions. As housing prices skyrocket, a generation of young people are increasingly locked out of homeownership. It’s time America’s lawmakers get with the program and enact 21st century housing policies that adequately address 21st century challenges.”

Wyden, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, is expected to introduce the sweeping bill in September. However, he shared the text of the bill as well as a summary.

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