Mahlum harnesses a complex program for student housing at the University of... More
The annual "College Destinations Index" produced by the American Institute for Economic Research, ranks the nation's most economically healthy college towns--and this year's list had some surprising additions and subtractions. New York? Boston? San Francisco? Nope. More
First Passive House-certified student residence hall in the United States earns special recognition from the EHDA jury. More
First Passive House-certified student residence hall in the United States earns special recognition from the EHDA jury. More
Over the past decade, numerous universities around the country have gone to private student housing companies to fill their needs. Here are three reasons why this trend could gain even more steam: More
College enrollment has exploded in recent years, but campuses and college towns have struggled to keep up with demand. More
Fresh approach to dormitory life promotes collaborative, healthy living. More