Twice the depth of a regular bathtub, the Dignité bath includes a contoured, 15¼-... More
Twice the depth of a regular bathtub, the Dignité bath includes a contoured, 15¼-... More
The Weyerhaeuser Co. says it may be forced to close plants and cut back its wood products business because of weak conditions in the housing market. The comments came in a Monday afternoon Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 8-K filing. More
One of the hallmarks of a well-designed custom home is the intersection of beautiful form with prosaic function. In the hands of a deft designer or clever craftsman a basic safety feature—like a guard rail—becomes eye-catching storage, as in the projects shown in this article. More
Fully rectified Versatile porcelain tiles have a non-slip surface suitable for... More
The careful craft of building a custom home often leads to the need for another art form: sales. Especially in the custom home industry, it takes a true sales craftsman to please demanding clients who are accustomed to exemplary service. More
When you live in the northern latitudes, the warm months take on special meaning. It's the time to throw off the heavy parka, slip on the flip-flops, and soak up the sunshine. It's time to feel the freedom of being outdoors. More
Many of life's little annoyances could be eliminated with one simple law requiring that the person who designs a product or service must also use that product or service. More
Custom Home staff selects some of the best products to take outdoors. Unglazed... More