No McMansions here – just beautifully harmonious exteriors with terrific layouts to match. Look for historical influences, graceful rooflines, and interesting details that will give your homes a sense of character. More
This luxe house achieves all of the elegance one would expect of a residence overlooking a long waterway, but without a sense of extravagance. More
This 2- to 3-bedroom house targets a growing segment of new-home buyers whose sensibilities are more urban than those of their parents. More
The jurors said this desert demonstration home represents the epitome of seamless indoor/outdoor living. More
Sometimes a design just clicks—the right layout, the right exterior, and so on. These four new plans are making a splash already. More
As builders leverage the value of amenity-rich master planned communities, a finely tuned trade-off takes place between what's inside and outside the homes. More
It’s exactly what it sounds like: four not-too-big plans that your buyers will love. Look for relaxed layouts, flexible spaces, and lots of storage. More
Modular building company offers energy-efficient, high-quality homes with very little waste. More
Maybe you don’t want to go full-on country with your homes, but a few rugged details (here a porch, there some stone) can go a long way towards creating a welcoming vibe. These four plans strike the right balance. More
As if we needed more proof that the top end of the housing market is alive and well, Nelson Homes, part of the an independently owned and operated Arthur Rutenberg Homes franchise, has opened two models over $2 million in Florida. More