What the early stages of this housing recovery show, like every one before it, is... More
As we look forward to the next leg of housing's big dig out from misery, one can hardly overestimate the impact that the surge of new private sector capital has had on recovery's early goings. Its genesis last year was the almost incredible absorption of vacant distressed properties by investment funds who saw big opportunity in the asymmetry between cost to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed homes, and building a business around renting and eventually selling them. The beginning of 2013 signalled another inflection point in capital's inflow into the sector. Here's an inside look at what happened, what changed, and what's still going on in the movement of huge amounts of money into the belief system that is housing's next up-cycle. BIG BUILDER's John McManus reports the first of a multi-part special series on high-volume home building's game change moment, the TRI Pointe Homes initial public offering. More
BIG BUILDER's John McManus has a take on the whys, wherefores, what to look at,... More
Hanley Wood chief economist Jonathan Smoke names 10 data points that could convince even the most skeptical among us that recovery is here, has traction, and is building on fundamentals. More
What a difference a year makes. 2012 was the year the housing recovery came to life – with the market now stronger than anyone dared hope for a year ago. Here’s what 2013 has in store. More
The Scottsdale, Ariz.-based builder says the purchase is contingent on a few conditions and approvals. More
Repossessions, however, marked a nine-month high and registered the first year-over-year gain seen since the robo-signing controversy came to light. More
The government's latest push to spread the word about the Make Home Affordable Program seeks to assuage owners' anxieties about seeking help. More