Do you know a home builder who is on the rise as a leader of the industry? Someone that possesses the skills to develop awe-worthy homes or communities while also working alongside a distinguished team with integrity and determination?
Nominate them for BUILDER’s inaugural Builder on the Rise award—honoring up-and-coming leaders in the housing industry. Send your nominations for Builder on the Rise 2024 to [email protected] by Thursday, Feb. 29.
This person should have fewer than 15 years of experience and a promising leader in the industry. For nominations, tell us why you think the person has leadership ability in the residential construction industry, making sure to note the below:
- Nominee’s name, title, and company.
- How do you know them, and for how long?
- How long they have worked in the industry.
- What qualities make them a potential leader?
- What do you know about their philosophy, purpose, or career goals.
- Outstanding specific accomplishments that show leadership skill.
- Industry activities and involvement.
- Their age if you know it.
- Their contact information.
- Their resume if you have it.
- Additional letters of recommendation may also be submitted.
A Builder on the Rise nomination should clearly express the growth of this employee in the past few years and their desire for future growth in the home building industry.
We suggest keeping your nomination confidential, as will we. We will be selective in determining who to profile in the magazine, so we don’t want to raise anyone’s hopes. Self-nominations will not be considered.
The first-ever Builder on the Rise honoree will be included in the Q2 issue of Builder and recognized at Builder 100 Leadership Summit at The Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, California, on May 6-8, 2024.
For more information, please e-mail Leah Draffen at [email protected].