Numerous essential professionals, such as educators, around the country are struggling to af-ford homes near their jobs. High land and home prices prevent these lower-income individuals from becoming homeowners. Landed is committed to making homeownership attainable for teachers by lending part of the initial costs.
The company was founded in 2015 by Alex Lofton, Jonathan Asmis, and Jesse Vaughan. Current-ly, Landed works with K-12 public school districts in California, Colorado, and Washington. To start a program in one of those states, the company simply asks interested individuals to reach out to Landed’s team for more details. Once a program is started at a school, local community investors, either individuals or companies, are brought in to start a fund. Teachers can then ap-ply to receive funds to cover up to 50% of the down payment. With half of the payment cov-ered, a teacher’s half becomes less daunting. While the educator lives in the home, he or she does not owe monthly payments to Landed, and at selling, the company receives 25% of the in-vestment gain or takes 25% of the loss.