Through its Net Zero Newhall initiative, FivePoint Communities aims to make the nascent Newhall Ranch, located west of Santa Clarita, Calif., one of the most environmentally sustaina-ble master planned communities in the nation. By the time it is complete, the development and its associated sustainability initiatives will produce enough clean energy to offset the green-house gases it produces, reducing its total carbon footprint to net zero.
The community is expected to add 21,500 new homes at full buildout, and each home and commercial building will be designed to meet zero net energy standards. Each home in Newhall Ranch will be equipped with an electric vehicle charging station, with 2,000 additional stations in the commercial and community areas and 2,000 more placed across the county.
The community’s subsidies include investments in car-sharing and bike-sharing systems and electric buses throughout the region, including expanded access to sustainable transit for low-income communities. All school buses in Newhall Ranch will be electric, and an estimated 75,000 new permanent jobs on-site will allow many residents to live near where they work, re-ducing commuting times and emissions.
Ten thousand acres of Newhall’s land will be preserved in perpetuity, with a $13 million en-dowment to protect the space and its habitats. Fifty miles of trails will cross the community, and an on-site water reclamation plant will recycle millions of gallons of the community’s wa-ter per day.