Hive 50 Honors
For smashing boundaries between virtual and real by empowering an exponential interoperability between user preference and physical structure, to put responsive, nimble, livable interior space design on steroids.
What You Need To Know
DIRTT, with a its signature ICE software platform, is a publicly traded manufacturer of custom, prefab interior environments that value-engineers human-centric design at the physical level into granular building data. ICE’s proprietary 3D code creates robust modeling to allow clients into a digital pre-construction process. It translates design details into factory data. And factory data into installation instructions. All pricing is to the penny, based on the amount of each material used. There’s no cost for complexity of design or what’s traditionally thought of as custom.
Who’s Involved
DIRTT is a public company, traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) that operates in what it recognizes as a $150 billion addressable market for interior commercial and residential construction and remodeling, with six corporate green learning centers, three manufacturing centers, 1,100 employees, and 97 DIRTT partners in 164 locations.
Time Stamp
DIRTT was founded in 2004, completed its first big project in 2006, went public in Canada in November 2013.