Two architects and building scientists saw a need for a decision-making tool that could aid in balancing building performance versus cost in a user-friendly manner. Patrick Chopson and Sandeep Ahuja, of Atlanta-based sustainable design consulting firm Pattern R+D, developed Cove.Tool to provide architects and engineers a look through of cost-efficient and energy-saving possibilities for early-stage design decisions.
The cloud-based program has users input building features and design options, such as glazing, shading, and insulation, and project parameters, such as job location and construction schedule. The software then pinpoints the combinations of parameters that offer the required performance within the set budget. The tool reduces a project’s initial costs by an average of 2% to 3% and can improve building performance by 40%, according to the company. The architect founders continue to develop new features for the tool based on user feedback and insights from their consulting firm.