The fourth industrial revolution is providing the data and technology that we need as a society to solve some of the globe's biggest issues. Access to this data and technology will not detract from human's value in the process, but rather, empower them to serve a more critical role. Yet it requires a shift in how we think.

The world is changing. There’s no way around this fact.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now. And, whether you know it or not, it will affect you.

Billions of people and countless machines are connected to each other. Through groundbreaking technology, unprecedented processing power and speed, and massive storage capacity, data is being collected and harnessed like never before.

Automation, machine learning, mobile computing and artificial intelligence – these are no longer futuristic concepts, they are our reality.

To many people, these changes are scary.

Previous industrial revolutions have shown us that if companies and industries don’t adapt with new technology, they struggle. Worse, they fail.

As difficult as it may be, the future of work looks very different from the past. I believe people with grit, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit will embrace this future, rather than cling to the status quo.

People can be better at their jobs with the technology of today – and the technology that is yet to come – rather than fearing that their human skills will be devalued.

In short, when the mechanic and the technology work together, the work gets done faster, with fewer errors and better results.

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