In an effort to provide more building materials for a healthy home, Georgia-Pacific has converted its UltraStock MDF (medium density fiberboard) products to be formaldehyde free.

The company announced that the company has converted all UltraStock MDF products to 100% No-Added-Formaldehyde (NAF) resin, including UltraStock Select, Premium, Lite, MR, Moulding and Embossing. Customers will no longer have to order specific "FREE-branded" products or pay extra for the benefits of an NAF board.

Physical properties, production tolerances and available board dimensions will all remain the same for UltraStock MDF with the exception that the new products’ performance in 24-hour thickness-swell testing have all improved to ≤ 5.5%, which qualifies for an MR10 designation.

Among those in the line, the company's MDF MR products are moisture resistant, meet reduced thickness swell criteria of 5.5% or less, and meet bond integrity criteria of 50% of original MOR after accelerated aging. The Premium MDF panels are defect-free, cut and route cleanly, feature MR10 thickness-swell, moisture-resistance designation, and can be painted, printed, stained, and laminated easily. The company's Lite MDF feature all the benefits of the Premium panels, but are also lightweight to reduce the weight of ready-to-assemble panels. The Select MDF boards are well-suited for cutting and contouring applications, such as cabinetry. The Select panels are made of highly refined fiber with a final 150 grit finish suitable for paints, stains, veneers or laminates