This article originally appeared on Remodeling.

Standing seam metal roof

Hurricane Florence and Michael caused widespread damage in the Southeast of the United States. Recovery efforts for affected areas have already begun, but the road may be long and difficult for many homeowners. The Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA) issued a warning, though, to homeowners looking for repairs for storm damage done to their home in a news release from the organization.

The challenges facing homeowners can be amplified by "less-than-reputable opportunists and con artists" who look to capitalize on storm victims to cause further damage, according to the MRA release. This can be compounded by the high current demand for quality contractors. The MRA's release advises homeowners, especially in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, to be weary of fraudulent contractors.

While metal roofs are in high demand in hurricane-prone regions, the roof installed is only as good as the contractor or company that sells and installs it. The non-profit MRA works on the behalf of homeowners to find quality installers through their verification process. Contractors can distinguish themselves to homeowners by overtly communicating their credentials, license, insurance, and commitment to aid disaster recovery victims. Contractors can also provide references of their service to help put homeowners at ease against potential scams or fraudulent behavior while cautioning that lead times may be longer because of the high demand for their work.

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