A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

Sienna Plantation's Waterpark is designed for all ages and includes slides, play features, and zero entry areas for lounging in the water.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

Johnson Development mines data and shares it proactively with their builder partners in order to speak to demographic trends and stay on top of market shifts.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

A big part of Johnson Development's success with their portfolio of communities is creating a sense of place with up-front investment in enhanced natural features.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

Once upon a time, Master Planned Communities were all about family. Now they need to offer homes and amenities like a spa-style bath to attract the fullest spectrum of potential buyers.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

Sienna Plantation's Waterpark is designed for all ages and includes slides, play features, and zero entry areas for lounging in the water.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

Casting a wide net when attracting buyers includes investing in kitchens built for serious cooking, family gatherings, and lots of hanging out.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

Pro formas formas don’t usually pencil out for first-time buyers, but Johnson Development offers upscale rental housing to serve a considerable market segment not yet ready to make a commitment to buying.

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

A Developer of Master-Planned-Communities Shares Know-How

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