Focus on specific benefits instead of the overused Q word, says BUILDER blogger... More
Social media can come in handy for launching an unbuilt community, but when there is nothing to buy, you have to sell the joy of the home, not the price of the house, says BUILDER blogger Myers Barnes. More
In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of home sales, a quick response just doesn’t... More
When you lay out all the reasons why your new homes are superior to resales, you... More
Young consumers want the American Dream; they’re just achieving it their way, says... More
You might find both qualities in one person, but don't expect it, says BUILDER... More
Are you a tech company that builds houses or a home builder that only sometimes... More
Don't' stray from the path to pre-sales that has worked for many other companies,... More
The most important consideration when planning how to distribute your marketing budget is to be clear on how your customers shop for a new home, says BUILDER blogger Myers Barnes. More
Good photos can convey so much about your homes, says BUILDER blogger Myers Barnes, so why do many builders give photography short shrift? Here, he offers tips for photographing exteriors and interiors. More