“I’d like to be remembered for my ability to become a strong housing advocate and a key spokesperson for the housing industry while managing to maintain a high degree of credibility.” More
Experts at semi-annual meeting suggest housing could rebound in 2009. More
David Crowe named as replacement; he will take over top housing economics spot Nov. 17. More
Treasury has authority to do so, thanks to $700 billion bailout. More
Financial crisis on Wall Street cited as key factor in October HMI. More
Timely moves from Washington work to fight off the housing contraction. More
Placing the blame for the housing recession squarely at the feet of the mortgage market meltdown, NAHB CEO Jerry Howard and chief economist David Seiders warned of another bleak year for housing in 2008, during the NAHB's year-end Housing Forecast call on Thursday. Exacerbating the situation is the slowdown in the overall United States economy, as housing and mortgage problems have spilled over and tightened credit conditions economy-wide. More
The Housing Market Index of builder confidence dropped two more points in October to 18, the HMI's lowest point since NAHB and Wells Fargo began issuing the report in January 1985, and a slide of 41.9 percent compared with the same time last year. The report says builder confidence for new single-family homes dropped dramatically due to continued problems in the mortgage market, high inventories, and the perceived effect that negative media reports are having on potential home buyers. More
Despite a move in mid-September by the Federal Reserve Board to lower its Federal... More