Scale, proportion, open plans, and flexible spaces make a smaller house look and feel like its million-dollar neighbor. More
Properly scaled elevations with simple detailing, regardless of style, turn buyers' heads at any price point. . More
Increasingly, the market is demanding places where homeowners can hoof it. Here are some ways you can deliver. More
Since 1984, the New American Home Program has nudged the housing industry to build better and with more distinctive design. More
The demands of modern life have been changing much faster than new-home designs, say two top architects. More
Looking for a niche to fill next year? These trends are likely to influence how consumers live for much longer than the next 12 months. More
Builders get advice on how to get buyers to commit despite the weak market. More
The series encompasses 6 LIVE, one-hour webinar sessions presented by successful industry experts in finance, design, research and construction. More
Our panel of builders and architects weigh in on trends, practices, and products to avoid. More