In COVID-19 response, certain groups can defer up to 90 days with no penalties or... More
The department will sell up to $10 billion of its portfolio each month. More
The Obama Administration has put forward three possible plans for the replacement of the GSEs. More
Government sought to lower rates by buying mortgage-backed securities. More
Details about incentives to servicers and troubled homeowners to accept short sales are expected soon. More
Plan would allow ‘responsible homeowners’ to refinance underwater home loans and offer support and incentives to homeowners, lenders, and servicers to keep people in their homes. More
Treasury Secretary emphasizes “financial stability” and “responsibility” for programs that could exceed $2.5 trillion in additional public and private spending. More
Treasury has authority to do so, thanks to $700 billion bailout. More
Politicians and policymakers put the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in larger, and sometimes different, contexts. More