Deals in Northern California and Southern California, as well as Colorado give TRI... More
Houston's a veritable home builder's hive of action thanks to the 100,000 new jobs created there in the past 12 months. The latest major play is a north-of-$50 million deal--funded with an $80 million investment account from Toronto-based Tricon Capital Group--that landed Johnson Development Corp. a 2,046-acre tract a virtual stone's throw from masterplannned community mother-of-them-all The Woodlands. Here's a deep dive on the deal from BIG BUILDER's John McManus. More
A new, free Internet database calls out potentially harmful substances used in building products. More
The pilot plan recognizes how the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Canadian Standards Association, and others promote transparency. More
American Forest & Paper Association's 2020 goals include increasing fiber procured from certified forests and promoting policies that reduce illegal logging. More
Multi-year battle over expanding certifications recognized by USGBC’s rating system ends short of necessary two-thirds vote, thus leaving requirements as originally written. More
Forest Stewardship Council calls for no-vote and enlists environmental groups to back it, while the Sustainable Forest Initiative attacks proposal for other reasons. More
Two lenders are providing new financing for the builder’s future operations. More
Forest Stewardship Council-US and Sustainable Forestry Initiative oppose plan for vastly different reasons. More