The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices were up on a seasonally adjusted monthly basis in November, though cities saw some seasonal slowdown. More
The S&P/Case-Shiller composite index outpaced economists’ expectations in August, offering impressive year-over-year numbers. More
Several metros once seen as poster children for the bust are now among the most rapidly improving. More
All three indices were up annually in the second quarter for the first time since the home buyer tax credit ended. More
After months of dreary reports, the S&P/Case-Shiller indices joined the growing chorus of metrics boasting good news for the industry. More
Once seasonally adjusted, however, the three indices show a slight uptick in March. More
Eight cities and both composite indices hit new index lows during the month. More
The numbers conflict with FHFA’s home price data, a discrepancy stemming from the kinds of transactions each index tracks. More
As foreclosures heat up again, prices in hard-hit cities such as Atlanta and Chicago are taking a hit. More
Forward-looking data indicate that more foreclosures—and more price drops—are on the way. More