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Fitch Drops Outlook for KB to 'Negative'

Fitch Ratings on Tuesday affirmed its ratings for KB Home (NYSE: KBH), including the company's Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'BB-', three levels below investment grade. The Rating Outlook, however, was revised to 'Negative' from 'Stable.' More

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Fitch Predicts a Saw-Toothed Recovery for Home Building

With a mixed bag of good news and challenges facing the industry, Fitch Ratings predicts a jagged road to economic recovery for housing with improvement in the second half of the year. More

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Fitch Sees a Less Robust 2011

With high foreclosure rates and weak consumer confidence continuing to create an imbalance between housing supply and demand, Fitch Ratings recently downwardly revised its housing outlook for 2010, pushing a meaningful recovery well into 2011. Moreover, any recovery will likely be more tempered than in past cycles, Robert Curran, Fitch's managing director for corporate finance, told listeners during a real estate outlook conference call on Thursday. More

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Fitch Upgrades Beazer Debt

In the wake of the announcement by Beazer Homes USA that it plans to sell 12.5 million shares, three million tangible equity units and $300 million in new senior unsecured notes, Fitch Ratings has rasied its outlook for the company's debt and given it a rating outlook of "stable." More

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Ratings Agencies Cast Wary Eye on Big Builder Merger

Moody's and S&P quickly put watches on the $6.2 billion in debt that will be carried by a combined Pulte-Centex, but Fitch takes a more positive view. More

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Fitch Cuts Ratings on Hovnanian Debt

Fitch Ratings, New York, on Monday cut its ratings on the debt of Hovnanian Enterprises (NYSE:HOV) further into junk status across the board, citing "persistent negative trends in HOV's operating margins, further deterioration in credit metrics and erosion in tangible net worth from non-cash real estate charges and operating losses." More

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Fitch Lowers Rating on Beazer Debt

Fitch Ratings on Thursday lowered its Issuer Default Rating (IDR) on Beazer Homes USA, Inc. and adjusted other ratings on outstanding debt. Its rating outlook remained negative. The IDR was lowered from 'CCC' from 'B-.' More

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With the industry on the rocks, Fitch Ratings’ outlook for 2008 and 2009 foresees more bad news.

With the industry on the rocks, Fitch Ratings’ outlook for 2008 and 2009 foresees more bad news. More

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Fitch's Outlook Increasingly Bearish, Lowers Ratings on Eight Publics

In a conference call this morning related to Fitch Ratings' release of its summer 2008 quarterly outlook, "U.S. Home Building/Construction: The Chalk Line," managing director Bob Curran said the ratings agency's outlook for 2008 and 2009 had turned increasingly bearish. More

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Builder Blocks: Housing News Headlines From the Past Week

Consumer confidence tanks, a housing market rescuer discovers closer-than-comfortable ties to Countrywide, building materials costs spike upwards, and we just can’t get enough of real-estate reality TV. More

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