A roundup of some of the most intriguing and interactive booth displays planned... More
The smart-thermostat manufacturer is moving beyond temperature control while... More
For the first time in its 28-year history, The New American Home had a homeowner attached from the start. More
Real Living touchscreen locks from Yale Locks & Hardware can be programmed from the Web. More
Three Bay Area houses set new benchmarks for green builders to follow. More
Arts-and-Crafts details mingle with an abundance of healthy and efficient products in this top-rated infill home. More
Great place to evaluate new automation systems. More
Don't get him wrong. Neal Manowitz, who as director of marketing for Sony Electronics' consumer systems and applications division runs the company's sales in the new-home market, certainly empathizes with builders as they struggle through this downturn. But his business continues to grow. More
- The new Theater-Point speakers allow users to optimize the home theater. - Control 4's new 4Sight service to offer online control of the home. More