Black Orchid Equity, which recently bought thousands of distressed lots from Rialto Capital, is parsing them out to builders with terms that allow the builder to pay for the lots after the homes are constructed. More
In a recent analysis of several custom builders in various markets around the... More
Efficient building practices allow builder to use high-quality materials on affordable townhomes. More
If you're not happy with your computerized accounting system, it may not be the software you're using. More
As we approach the end of 2005 it is a good time to begin development of your budget for next year. More
Many of the custom builders in Builder 20 clubs I have visited recently are faced with a puzzling situation: They've grown their top lines, yet their bottom lines have stagnated and in several cases have actually shrunk. More
Home builders should examine their accounting practices now to avoid potential trouble later.Carefully review all joint-venture and partnership agreements to ensure that your company's true ownership percentage and true exposure to loss are properly reflected and disclosed in your financial statements. Ask whether your independent CPA is familiar with the unique nature and nuances of the home building industry. More