The May National Foreclosure Report from mortgage-data firm CoreLogic identifies which states had the largest amount of completed foreclosures in the 12-month span of May 2013-May 2014, as well as monthly foreclosure inventory and completed foreclosure data.
While completed foreclosures did increase 3.8 percent between April and May, the year-over-year May comparison shows improvement. The most promising finding from CoreLogic: every state saw a double-digit decline for completed foreclosures year-over-year.
The top and bottom rankings for completed foreclosures May 2013-May 2014 call attention to the vast spectrum of recovery in the country, and how far we still are from the average levels seen before the financial crisis began in 2008.
The disparity in the amount of completed foreclosures from state to state is equally evident in foreclosure inventory as a percentage of all mortgaged homes as of May 2014.
The five states with the highest foreclosure inventory as a percentage of all mortgaged homes:
1. New Jersey: 5.8 percent
2. Florida: 5.2 percent
3. New York: 4.3 percent
4. Hawaii: 3.1 percent
5. Maine: 2.8 percent
The five states with the lowest foreclosure inventory as a percentage of all mortgaged homes:
1. Alaska: 0.3 percent
2. Nebraska: 0.4 percent
3. North Dakota: 0.4 percent
4. Wyoming: 0.4%
5. Minnesota: 0.5%
More findings from CoreLogic's report here.