Based on page views per listing from January 1st through March 31st this year, real estate listing site Zillow has assembled a list of the top 20 most popular U.S. neighborhoods for the spring selling season.
Zillow found that 13 of the 20 most popular neighborhoods are in California. Three of the top 20 are in the Atlanta area, and two are in the Seattle area.
The top neighborhood for users is The Oaks of Calabasas, a double-gated Los Angeles suburb with an average of 12,976 views per listing. Four other Los Angeles communities are also in the top 20, including Bel Air (No. 4), Beverly Glen (No. 8), the Hollywood Hills (No. 20) and Point Dume in Malibu (No. 7). The San Francisco area has six of the top neighborhoods, including locations in Oakland and Marin County.
The median list price in most of the neighborhoods is far above the median list price for the cities they’re in. The Oaks of Calabasas, for example, had a median list price of $3.7 million, more than twice the $1.4 million median list price for Calabasas as a whole.
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