According to the Midland Reporter-Telegram, The Perryman Group recently released a report showing that the homeless population in Midland Texas and the surrounding county comes with a cost 508 jobs and $51.9 million annually. For the city of Midland itself the numbers are 463 jobs and $47.5 million. The losses are calculated as decreases in the the area's annual gross product. There's also estimates of an additional $30 million and $27.5 million in personal income losses in Midland County and the city of Midland, respectively.

The gross product costs include losses to local governments of an estimated $2.1 million for taxing entities in the county and $2 million for taxing entities in the city, including money spent by local governments to address homelessness.

The purpose of the study was to estimate “the economic and fiscal consequences of homelessness in the Midland area,” the report states. The costs measured include increased emergency room visits for homeless persons, crime and incarceration costs and lost economic productivity, according to the report.

“There are compelling social and humanitarian reasons to reduce homelessness, including the positive effects on human health, well being and dignity,” it states. “At the same time, there are significant economic and fiscal costs which are worthy of consideration when evaluating community priorities.”

The study found through a January 2019 survey that there are 159 people who are homeless in Midland County and 65 individuals who are chronically homeless.

Those who are chronically homeless account for less than 35 percent of the local homeless population, the report states, but they are responsible for more than 52 percent of total costs.

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