Home centers and building material and supplies dealers sold a combined $304.62 billion worth of goods in 2016, a 5.9% increase from the previous year, fresh Census Bureau data shows.
BUILDER sister publication ProSales editor Craig Webb says that data from ProSales 100 firms also suggest the biggest pro dealers accelerated their growth faster than the group as a whole.
Of that $304.62 billion, the members of the 2016 ProSales 100 accounted for $49.36 billion. Meanwhile, The Home Depot had sales of $94.6 billion in its fiscal year ending in January, Lowe's posted $65 billion in sales in 2016, and Forbes estimates Lowe's sales totaled $9.5 billion that year. That brings the total for the big boxes to $169.1 billion. Subtract that number plus the PS100's $49.36 billion from the total and it shows all other dealers and home centers sold roughly $86.16 billion worth of building materials last year.
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