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Merit Award, Whole-House Remodeling Over $500,000: Suburban Renewal
A drab split-level home is transformed into a modern showpiece with the addition of a "light box" to the rear facade, adding space on two levels and bringing in abundant natural light.
K/Bis Day Two: Trend Spotting
The kitchen and bath are radically different spaces than they were 20 years ago, says Suzie Williford, the 2007 vice president of the National Kitchen & Bath Association. As a result, products for these spaces are radically different as well. The spaces still perform their normal functions, but now they do much more.
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Citing a troubled mortgage market and losses from their former financial arm, General Motors said its first-quarter profits were down 90 percent from a year ago. The nation's largest automaker reported a first-quarter profit of $62 million, down from $602 million in the same quarter a year ago.