The Anton Assanti Studio is founded on the experience of a small but creative Italian company that was established in Sicily during 1991. Specialized in designing and producing premium tiles, we are constantly evolving, while still remaining faithful to our artisan roots.
We offer our very own designs but will also support unique, one-of-a-kind custom pieces to fit your particular project and required volume at any time. If you wish to have any of our published designs scaled-up to a maximum of 24 x 24 inches or wish to have your very own concepts translated into porcelain or porcelain-stoneware along with a particular color, metal, or texture, please consult with us.
Many of our designs are replaced by new ones every year. This keeps us thinking and confirms that our actions are driven upward toward creativity and innovation; always toward the diverse needs of discerning customers.
Do you have projects in Europe or Central America? We can save you costly customs duty and special packing by fulfilling your unique requirements at reputable, family-owned studios in Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Mexico. All studios hand-make exquisite, durable porcelain products according to traditional methods that are in-step with the rigid quality goals that we insist upon for all that we do. Anton Assanti tiles are to-the-trade only. Please contact us for further information.