Anderson Manufacturing Company is your partner for leak detection success and profits. Entering the industry in 1986 as a manufacturer of straight sided test plugs, we have continually innovated and expanded. You can now count on us to provide a complete range of tools and supplies from low-tech dye testers to highly sophisticated electronic devices.
One common thread that guides our product development and communication is the importance of simplicity and clarity. We are passionate about making leak location and repair understandable and accessible to anyone who can think logically, observe diligently, and has a basic technical aptitude.
You can find Anderson Test Plugs, Leakmaster repair supplies, and winterizing products including the Winter Duck Plug and Big Blue Blower at most wholesale distributors. For a more complete assortment of specialized leak finding tools like the LeakTrac 2400 – Vinyl Liner Leak Detector, or Leakalyzer - Water Loss Sensor visit our website: While you are there make sure to browse the extensive library of informational resources and training options.
For over 30 years, we have helped thousands of swimming pool service professionals turn the frustration of leaks into satisfying profits. We’d love to do the same for you.
Featured Products
LeakTrac - Vinyl Liner Leak Locater
The LeakTrac2400 can pinpoint the smallest leaks in a vinyl liner in just minutes.
Leakalyzer – Rapid Water Loss Sensor
Find out how much the pool is leaking with real time water loss measurements.
Straight Sided Pressure Test Plugs
Your trusted source for swimming pool pressure testing plugs and supplies.
XLT30H Electronic Listening Device
The XLT30H cuts through background noises with its 4 digital filters when listening for pipe leaks or leaks in the pool shell.
Successful Leak Detection Training Options
We have helped thousands of pool professionals turn leaks into profits. Online, on-site and in house training available.
Winterizing Products
Use the Winter Duck Plug and the Big Blue Blower for efficient “no drain” winter closings.