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Apartment and house rental website Zumper ranked U.S. cities based on factors related to raising a family. The findings show Madison, Wisc., is the best place to do so, with Lincoln, Neb., and Lexington, Ky., following, due to its population of young adults, strong local economy, and low crime and high-school dropout rates.

Cities in the northeast part of the country, including Washington, D.C., and New York City, did not fare well. Syracuse, N.Y., came closest to the top in the 25th spot. Although those cities also have young populations, there is a high cost for housing and infant care.

Zumper used 10 factors in its analysis: cost per additional room in a home, percentage of income spent on rent or mortgage, median household income, current unemployment rate, infant-care costs, percentage of the population under 45, high-school dropout rate, average commute time and violent-crime rate.

Check out the top 10 cities below.

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