How far would you go to rebuild a cherished 1901 Queen Anne Victorian style home that succumbed to a tragic fire? Would you jump at the chance to revive this classic turn-of-the-century aesthetic marked by handcrafted intricate carpentry work, a panoply of audacious roof pitches, and resplendently ornate interior finishes?
Presented with the opportunity to build ground-up a near exact replica of an original Victorian, would you consider merging this historic architecture with a new net-zero standard of high performance where the home produces as much energy as it consumes each year?
Welcome to JLC's Queen of Zero case study 2024. Over the next year (or so), I will be sharing this story of rebirth– a phoenix of a house rising from the ashes– to become the first newly built Queen Anne Victorian to meet the US Department of Energy's Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) standard.