Adobe Stock/Maks_Ershov

California’s Senate is considering a new iteration of a state housing bill that would allow denser housing types near public transit stops. SB50 would prevent cities from restricting density within a half-mile of a major job center or transit hub, raises height limits to 45 feet within a half-mile and 55 feet within a quarter mile, and eliminates parking requirements.

This new bill follows the SB827 proposal, which never left committee. If passed, it would have prevented cities from barring four-to-eight story residential buildings near transit stops.

Some critics feared the proposal’s impact on established neighborhood character, while others noted the bill didn’t do enough to protect residents from displacement or require affordable housing.

Aside from SB50, a number of new housing-related bills were introduced to both the Senate and Assembly on the first day of the legislative term. Proposals include reduced development fees and regulations on auxiliary dwelling units (SB13), the restoration of redevelopment agencies (SB15), and the expansion of the state’s low income housing tax credit to $500 million (AB10).

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