According to The Denver Post, the city is launching an online survey to gauge community interests and concerns about the planned redevelopment of the 72-acre Loretto Heights School Campus. The former girls boarding school was sold to developers for $15.75 million earlier this year. The campus also hosted a Colorado Heights University but it closed in 2016 due to low enrollment. The survey can be taken in English or Spanish and will be available until February 15.
It is part of a larger public outreach effort for Loretto Heights. The city has put together a steering committee with neighborhood residents and launched a stand-alone website covering plans for the property’s future, DenverGov.org/ lorettoheights. The city is planning a historic survey of the property and its buildings, according to a news release. The goal is to create an area plan, subject to City Council review and approval, that will guide long-term decision making.
“This planning process will give neighbors a say and ensure this corner of Denver honors the neighborhood’s history, reflects the character and culture of the community, and meets the needs of residents there today,” Mayor Michael Hancock said in statement. Loretto Heights dates back to 1891 when the Sisters of Loretto opened a girls boarding school there.
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