Today some obstacles still exist to 3D printing taking a foothold in US construction. One of the major challenges is efficiency and effectiveness. This Russian company is proving both with a new mobile printer than can print whole structures on site, like this new home.

Not only is it printing homes on site, but they are made to be super-resilient structures - to last even 175 years.

As we start to 3D-print everything — including houses, of all things — it's pretty impressive that a company built one in just 24 hours.

Located in Russia, this 400-square-foot home (37 square meters) was built in just a day, at a cost of just over $10,000.

3D-printing company Apis Cor built the house using a mobile printer on-site.

The main components of the house, including the walls, partitions and building envelope were printed solely with a concrete mixture.

Fixtures like windows and furnishings were later added on, and a shiny coat of paint added to the exterior of the house.

The total construction cost of the house? $10,134.

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