Bringing new technology to a local market offers dozens of rewards for the company, the economy and the labor pool, that can directly impact your business. A small investment can lead to technologies that improve business operations, along with many other intangibles, as HIVE keynote speaker Steve Case explains in this article.
Although most signs point to continued growth in the U.S., an overwhelming economic pessimism seems to have taken hold in many parts of the country. Not a day goes by that I don’t read about the roboapocalypse — the massive job loss to be wrought by automation. These are real and valid concerns to be sure. Technology today is disrupting nearly every sector at a speed that eclipses previous revolutions. But to adopt a negative view of the future, to focus on what we may plausibly lose, is to miss out on what we have the potential to gain from this coming “Third Wave” of technology, both in terms of innovations and job creation.
That isn’t to say we can sit idly by. We need to unleash America’s creativity to develop new industries and new jobs. Entrepreneurs have a role to play, as does government. But it’s also incumbent on the business community to do more to ensure that the benefits of technological progress reach a broader swath of society.
AI and robotics will destroy jobs. It’s inevitable. But the loss of certain jobs due to innovation is something we have faced before. Two hundred years ago, more than 90% of the population worked on farms. Today it’s less than 2%.
Thankfully, the agricultural revolution was followed by the industrial revolution, and millions of new jobs were created. And more recently, when ATM machines were introduced, many predicted the end of the bank teller. Instead, it led to an increase in medium-skills banking jobs. There are more bank tellers today than there were in the 1970s. The needs and requirements changed, but jobs remained.
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